www.spiritofvictoria.ca - Spirit of Victoria

Hatha Flow - Thursdays @ 5:30 PM

Funketown 7161 W Saanich Rd #101, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1P7, Canada
Hatha Flow - Thursdays @ 5:30 PM
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Next Start Date
recurs every week
Start Time
5:30 PM
Recurring End Date
End Time
6:30 AM

Join Sara Leslie for an hour of Hatha Flow. This yoga class unfolds at a traditionally slower pace, offering challenging options to cater to various levels. Sara provides detailed cues, enhancing your experience and promoting learning in each pose and transition. While not easy, the class is thoughtfully designed to foster functional strength and motor control in a skillful way. The emphasis is on training the nervous system to relax, simultaneously cultivating strength and a calm state of mind. All levels.