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Phoenix School Of Alignment Reviews

Submitted by Lauren C on 03/08/2021

A Gift Like No Other!

Working with Cassandra has been mind-blowing. I never thought the results would be this life-changing; a true reawakening of rediscovering my power. I’ve seen many doctors and healers for pain in my body (that has been debilitating for many years), but with Cassandra’s healing, it was gone in one session. Her healing has allowed me to deeply listen to my body; our bodies tell us a story through the language of symptoms that correspond to our emotions, traumas, limiting beliefs, etc. - Cassandra is able to uncover and release the energetic blocks to let go and attract what I truly want. It’s eye-opening when you think you’ve done ‘the work’ and then experience yet another profound shift. For me, her healing is an instant transformation; a new way of thinking and believing. After my last session, my intuition and gut instinct immediately felt stronger, I had so much more clarity. The experience has left my body and mind feeling weightless and free. Cassandra has a gift like no other. Not only have the results changed my life but she is someone who is able to connect so deeply with my soul. I feel incredibly blessed to work with someone who makes me feel so connected, supported and understood.

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You have to experience it

Cassandra is able to meet you where you are at and tune into exactly what is meant to come through on both a human and soul level. She's helped me move through pain, resistance and deeper layers of healing that I haven't been able to figure out on my own. I always gain massive clarity, heightened spiritual gifts and a sense of alignment after working with her. Thanks Cassandra!

Submitted by Jenna Faye on 05/28/2021

A healing that felt like a spa week filled with peace and love!

I had a healing session with Cassandra, and not only was she sweet and understanding, from the get/go, but she was so good at understanding all my ailments and pains, and believe me they are a lot! She made me feel energized, calmer, I felt I released a heavyweight I was carrying inside. It felt like a whole week spa retreat in only one hour! Thanks so much, Cassandra!

Submitted by Lucy Martin on 03/02/2021