www.spiritofvictoria.ca - Spirit of Victoria

Candlelit Deep Rest + Breath - Tuesdays at 7:30 PM

Funketown 7161 W Saanich Rd #101, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1P7, Canada
Candlelit Deep Rest + Breath - Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
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Next Start Date
recurs every week
Start Time
7:30 PM
Recurring End Date
End Time
8:30 PM

Join Karly Atkey and settle in to an hour of deep rest and deep breathing. Using a variety of props, sink into restorative asana (postures) with guided pranayama (breathing exercises) designed to bring you to a state of rest and calm. This can be helpful for those who have very busy lives, demanding careers or family obligations, those who have racing thoughts or anxiety, who may be seeking a sense of peace & calm, and for releasing deeply held trauma. Instructor may offer light scalp or hand massage throughout. As always, any hands-on practices are completely optional and consent-based. All Levels.