www.spiritofvictoria.ca - Spirit of Victoria

Yogalates - Saturdays at 9:30 AM

Funketown 7161 W Saanich Rd #101, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1P7, Canada
Yogalates - Saturdays at 9:30 AM
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Next Start Date
recurs every week
Start Time
9:30 AM
Recurring End Date
End Time
10:30 AM

Join Meg Hollingworth for a more dynamic class focused on joyful movement. You will be steered through a practice of fluid vinyasa yoga seamlessly blended with smaller, fire-building Pilates routines. Your breath will be your primary guide, supporting you as you flow from yoga asanas while integrating mind to muscle in a more invigorating Pilates series. You will touch on each of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air and the practice will begin on your mats, moving towards standing series. There will be lively motivating music and the practice will have some variation class-to-class. Should be a bright and enjoyable way to begin your weekend! All Levels.